Flanders Literature: a window on literature from Flanders
On the eve of the London Book Fair (14-16 March), the Flemish Literature Fund officially launched Flanders Literature: a new name, a new brand and a brand-new website.

Under the new brand name of Flanders Literature, the organisation will continue to promote Flemish literature abroad, offering book professionals worldwide a window on literature from Flanders.
On the new website, Flanders Literature helps publishers and festival organisers find that one particular title or author that is the perfect fit for their list or audience, by presenting a selection of the finest literature from Flanders.
Furthermore, Flanders Literature provides access to a database of accredited literary translators, which is shared with the Dutch Foundation for Literature. We also present a series of essays about all the genres promoted abroad by Flanders Literature: children’s and youth literature, fiction, graphic novels, nonfiction and poetry.