The Book of Life
In ‘The Book of Life’ Floortje Zwigtman and Sassafras De Bruyn take a light-hearted look at everything to do with having a baby: trying to get pregnant, the pregnancy itself, giving birth and raising the child. Citing facts and legends from around the world, they show that wherever you go having a child is an event that gives rise to stories.
The most original book about having and raising children I’ve ever seenPluizer
With the necessary humour and clarity, but without ever being explicit, Zwigtman explains how a child is made, compares it to the animal kingdom, discusses how people in the olden days explained what they did not understand and peppers it all with fun facts. The many illustrations by De Bruyn lend the book a very distinctive character, with a colour palette and figures that are reminiscent of Bruegel the Elder. The fat babies and marvellous facial expressions bring the text beautifully to life. Funny, lively and brimming with both facts and fiction, ‘The Book of Life’ is one of a kind.
Sassafras De Bruyn’s illustrations turn this book into a gemPluizuit