Graphic novels: new selection 2025
From a dystopian sci-fi adventure, over a disappointing hereafter to a darkly comic view of success: the comics from our spring selection rather fit these times, each in their very own way.

'Dystopolis' by Miel Vandepitte

Dystopolis is the last city on earth. Abdulla is a young and ambitious police intern who dreams of the impossible: vanquishing the Cannibal. Can he make the difference? Miel Vandepitte once again creates a dystopic world full of outlandish creatures and breathtaking cityscapes. ‘Dystopolis’ could be called pulp, but if so then it’s pulp of the graphically fantastic kind.
'The Chosen One' by Simon Spruyt

In ‘The Chosen one’, the biblical story of Jacob runs in parallel with that of a contemporary story of man who sacrifices others for his career. It presents a critical look at what success can mean, with no shortage of the dark humour that Spruyt has made so much his own. An exceptionally valuable extension to his oeuvre.
'Hotel Paradiso' by Fin Ilsbroekx

Johanna finds herself in the luxurious Hotel Paradiso, the hereafter in the form of a resort, complete with goodie bag, segway tour and information points. But it soon turns out that even after death, life isn’t that simple. The visually interesting style of ‘Hotel Paradiso’ marks Fin Ilsbroekx out as an up-and-coming talent.