Guillermo Briz Blanco
Guillermo Briz Blanco is, and will always feel, a beginner literary translator. He participated in the first edition of the CELA project (Connecting Emerging Literary Artists, which hopefully makes him as an emerging artist). Within CELA he translated some works by Maud Vanhauwaert, Carmien Michels and Rebekka de Wit. Besides some short stories (Abdelkader Benali’s 'Mirar a Marte desde Marraquech' in magazine Banipal, and J. J. Slauerhoff’s 'El Erebo' in the compilation 'Voces de las tierras bajas') he has translated a teen novel ('Adversarias', by Gerard van Gemert) and in 2023 the translation of his first literary book will come out: 'Declaración de dependencia', by Rebekka de Wit. When he’s not translating literature, he can be seen making subtitles, teaching Spanish, doing yoga or hiking in the mountains.