Matthijs de Ridder
Matthijs de Ridder (b. 1979) is a writer and critic. He edited work by great Flemish authors like Louis Paul Boon and Paul van Ostaijen. In his literary work he is always on the lookout for creative ways to tell the story of our times.'To Borms. Willem Elsschot, A Political Writer' (2007) and 'Desire. A Literary History 1984-2014' (2014) provide exiting new insights into the history of Flemish and Dutch literature. 'Rebel Rhythms. A Jazzy History of Our Time' (2012) is a swinging cultural history of the 20th century set to the rhythm of jazz. 'The Age of Charlie Chaplin' (2017) also tells the story of the 20th century, this time as seen through the lens of film icon Charlie Chaplin.
Photo © Koen Broos