Little Mouse’s Big Adventure
Little Mouse is running through the woods, trying to find granddad. It’s the evening of the Big Table Dance, a celebration for the whole mice family, where granddad is expected to sing and dance the conga. But now Little Mouse has lost him. Owl seems to know where granddad is and offers Little Mouse pride of place at his table. But Little Mouse soon discovers that Owl has other plans. Will he make it back home in time to warn his family?
Inventive, touching and very skilfully madeDe Morgen on Gerda De Preter’s work
‘Little Mouse’s Big Adventure’ is a thrilling adventure in which Little Mouse has to be braver than he really is and overcome a lot of fears. He makes new friends, finds himself running for his life, saves his family and in doing so acquires the self-confidence he needs. Gerda De Preter gives us a gripping, heart-warming and humorous story to read to children. Dutch master illustrator Thé Tjong-Khing adds further life to the characters in his celebrated, detailed and seemingly naive style.
An imaginative, visual spectacleTrouw on Thé Tjong-Khing’s work