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A multi-disciplinary experience

Over to You

Philip Paquet & Adriaan Van Aken

A man in his late twenties has just graduated and is looking for work. He tries to get his life together and rents a flat in town together with his girlfriend. It is election time and that’s something no one can escape from – except the main character, that is, whom all the political hullabaloo seems to pass by. But gradually the consciousness grows that shutting yourself off from politics may not be so easy after all.

The first ‘readable’ multi-disciplinary strip
Gonzo Magazine

‘Over to You’ is the product of a special collaboration between theatre-maker and multi-media artist Adriaan van Aken, musician Youri van Uffelen and comic book artist Philip Paquet. The result is ‘a comic book with a soundtrack’: a script that was originally written as a theatrical text was translated by Philip Paquet into a very personal graphic idiom, and a soundtrack was added. This publication was later followed by ‘Over to you once more’, based on the same successful formula.

‘Over to You’ is a graphic novel that reacts to the here and now and is set in our modern multicultural society with all its pros and cons. It is also inextricably linked with Antwerp, the city where the comic book artist and the scriptwriter have lived all their lives.

As you read the stories you sometimes have the feeling that you are looking in a mirror.