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A battle in four colours

The Blues Against the Reds

Benjamin Leroy

The Blue Castle is preparing for battle: tomorrow morning Bluebeard will lead his brave knights to the Red Castle, to make mincemeat of Redfang and his men. On the other side of the valley, Redfang is hatching the same plan. But as the two warring bands advance towards each other, they run into some small green and black knights. They are waging a battle of their own: a game played in the woods. Curious to find out what’s going on, the blue and red knights join in. And discover that bloodshed can wait. Game on!

A playful joust. Definitely worth reading
De Morgen

‘The Blues against the Reds’ marks illustrator Benjamin Leroy’s debut as an author. And the result is a scintillating picture book. In it he chose to severely restrict his arsenal of techniques and colours, arming himself only with a four-colour ballpoint pen - to brilliant effect. His jolly characters burst with personality, and the abundance of details means there’s always something new to discover. A high-spirited adventure in four colours.

Original and utterly funny