The Sixth Day
In ‘The Sixth Day’ Tine Mortier rewrites the biblical creation story from a socialist viewpoint. At the end of the fifth day God decides that he has worked hard enough. The sixth day is called into being for rest and play. God builds a sandcastle on the beach, designs a tree house and makes an animal out of snow. But none of the animals shares God’s enthusiasm.
God discovers that playing alone is no fun at all and he makes himself three multicultural friends out of clay, one white, one black, and one brown. The animals still show little interest, but God ‘saw that it was good’. The multicultural angle is integrated without further ado, Mortier thereby avoiding explicit moralising on the matter.
Tom Schamp’s representation of the complexity of life and love is as colourful, ingenious, and clear as it is imaginative.De Leeswelp
Tom Schamp cleverly gives shape to the figure of God, who is brought to life more vividly print by print. In bright, fresh colours, which expressively symbolise the new beginning of the creation, Schamp evokes a colourful and many sided universe, full of fascinating and dazzling details. With his well-chosen, beautifully filled out pictures Schamp presents a surprising, individual take on the creation story.
You never tire of the generously inviting three-dimensional world of Tom Schamp.Boekenpauw jury