Susi Moeimam
Susi Moeimam (Doctor in Lexicography and Linguistics, Leiden University, 1994) is currently working as book review editor with the Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. She is also senior editor and managing director of Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, the academic peer-reviewed and Scopus indexed journal of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Indonesia. Susi Moeimam compiled (in cooperation with Professor H. Steinhauer) the Dutch-Indonesian dictionary in two versions: one productive dictionary for Dutch speakers (published in Leiden by KITLV Press) and one receptive dictionary for Indonesian speakers (published in Jakarta by Gramedia Pustaka Utama and KITLV-Jakarta). She has also worked more than 30 years as a freelance editor and translator. Together with Nurhaya Santoso she has translated work by authors including Maarten Hidskes and Anton Stolwijk.
Susi Moeimam and Nurhayu Santoso often translate together; they are accredited as a translator duo.