Esther Verkest
Esther Verkest is possibly the sexiest heroine in the Flemish comic book universe. Bad is too respectable a word for her, mean is an understatement. Kim Duchateau’s lewd heroine lives in an absurd world full of freaks, strange fairytale figures and capricious gnomes. She walks naked from left to right across the page covered by censorship strips. At home she has a trophy wall covered with the cleavages of builders who whistled at girls. She gives instructions to gnomes to crawl through her chastity belt.
Humour of the highest class: often absurd and surrealistic, but always sharp.De Standaard
‘Esther Verkest’ is a long-running comics series, which also appeared in Dutch-language magazines such as ‘Stripglossy’, ‘Eppo’ and ‘Playboy’. The main character is not just a babe, she is also a parody of that babe. In a series of short stories artist Kim Duchateau gives free rein to his extremely weird sense of humour. In so doing he does not shy away from any taboo topics. Everything can be the subject of Esther Verkest’s absurd surrealist farces, whether it be fetishism and adultery or surcharges on low-cost flights and the Smurfs… This babe with balls turns every convention on its head.
No one and nothing is spared. Precisely this debunking of sacred (and sexy) cows provides a welcome injection of humour.Leeswolf
The jokes are full of imagination, are daring and each time bring a smile to your face.Stripjournaal