Hunker Bunker
The comic book series ‘Hunker Bunker’ is a contemporary, humorous stop-comic about a young couple and their girl twins. The neurotic father, quick-witted mother and two pig-headed children live in a pink bunker and drive a pink tank. And that creates quite a stir in a respectable neighbourhood. But apart from their eccentric residence and means of transport, they lead a perfectly ‘normal’ life. At least they try.
Adventures that are very recognizable for anybody who has gone through babyhoodForbidden Planet International
‘Hunker Bunker’ originally appeared in the Flemish weekly ‘Libelle’ and was subsequently collected in a first volume entitled ‘The Pink Menace’. Later the volumes ‘Go on Practising, Love!’ and ‘My, How You’ve Grown’, following the same formula.
In short gags, three or four frames each, Croon’s ‘average family’ comes into contact with all kinds of everyday things but also a lot of rather less everyday things, such as mosquito puree or a thousand-star hotel. Croon spices domestic incidents with slightly absurd humour, nice punchlines and other ingenious techniques. His style is idiosyncratic and colourful. In their quite unique, but also very contemporary way, this exceptional family may strike the odd familiar chord with you.