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A very strong tragicomic debut

The Miracle of Vierves

Inne Haine
A brilliant combination of atmospheric drawing and colouring with a mature storyline

The locals in the Ardennes village of Vierves-sur-Haynes practically worship the stag Gérard. He plays a key role in a village legend about a simple virgin who, with the help of St Anthony, became pregnant by immaculate conception because of her kindness to the stag. The belief that has grown up around Gérard draws many tourists to Vierves every year. The local businesses do well out of it.

A stunning debut by an instant grande dame of the Belgian comic strip
Cutting Edge

So, when François accidentally runs Gérard over and kills him, the fat hits the fire. No one can be allowed to find out about it, but there were witnesses. At the same time, Gérard’s death brings unexpected but risky opportunities for François.
‘The Miracle of Vierves’ proves Inne Haine’s credentials as a very talented teller of tragicomic tales. She presents a small village with a peculiar legend, but places the spotlight on her characters, who make the story even more fascinating. The sense of concerned involvement mixed with an ironic undertone works very well, and the result is an extremely strong debut.