David Van Reybrouck nominated for the ‘Prix du livre européen’
The French translation of Zink, the 2016 Book Week Essay by David Van Reybrouck, has been shortlisted for the ‘Prix du livre européen’. The book was translated by Philip Noble and published by Actes Sud. A German translation has been published by Suhrkamp. The ‘Prix du livre européen’ was established in 2007 by the association ‘Esprit d’Europe’, with support from Jaques Delors. Since then, the prize is awarded every year in the beginning of December at the European Parliament in Brussels.

David Van Reybrouck receives a lot of attention at the moment for his book A jihad for love. In this book, he has recorded the story of Mohamed El Bachiri, a man who lost his wife in the terrorist attacks on the subway in Brussels. He was also a guest in a popular talk show, where he brought an impressive message of love and peace.
‘A jihad for love’ became a sales success. A German translation was already published by S. Fischer. An English (Head of Zeus) and a French translation (J.C. Lattés) are forthcoming.