In 2002, Buelens published his first collection of poems ‘It is’, which was awarded the Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogt-prize. In 2005, he published his second collection of poems: 'Ensure'. Buelens has an extraordinary ear for rhythm and sound and is strongly influenced by twentieth-century American poetry. As a former editor of the literary magazine ‘Yang’ he translated American poets such as Bruce Andrews, Michael Palmer and Louis Zukofsky and edited a special issue of ‘Yang’ on LANGUAGE-poetry.
Buelens writes a forthright terroristic poetry, although with still carefulness and subtilityJeroen Mettes
At first sight his poetry appears to be difficult, and while it can hardly be called simple, it is never uncomprehensible. Rather, it links the quest for the appropriate linguistic structure with the everyday struggle of the lyrical protagonist. His most recent collection ‘Home’ investigates what makes us feel at home? Is it a place, a feeling, a language, a wireless connection or a carefully cultivated illusion?