Rudy is a philosopher, just like you and me. A man with questions and concerns. Endearing, charming and confrontational. ‘The point is that we’re all trapped but we’re not aware of it,’ he says. ‘We become depressed, commit suicide, yet refuse to look within ourselves. We just want to become rich and have a good life.’
‘Rudy’ is not a feel-good family comedy, it is foul-mouthed rage bordering on misanthropy.Theaterkrant
Like a mix between a stand-up comedian, a psychiatrist and a philosopher Rudy confronts us with the painful truth. He takes stock of a world that is not doing very well. Money talks, people are trying to get the better of each other while anything of any real value is undermined by market logic and a focus on profits. Unfortunately, western man has found no answer other than to stand by and watch it happen.
But, as lonesome rebel Rudy points out, the picture of a world that’s going to the dogs and that gives us so much to complain about is only part of the story we want to tell ourselves and a product of what we think we believe. What is stopping us from rewriting the world?
An impeccably structured, typical 'De Graef narrative' that performs a fine balancing act between philosophy, social critique and pure romanticism.Knack