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Literary prizes

Authors and illustrators from Flanders have won many different literary prizes, both at home and abroad. You can find out more about these awards in this overview.


ABN AMRO Bank Prize: Annual Flemish prize for the best nonfiction novel written in Dutch. It is known as 'ABN AMRO Bank Prijs'.

AKO Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best literary novel – categories fiction and nonfiction – written in Dutch. Known as the ECI Literature Prize from 2014 to 2018, and then renamed the Bookspot Literature Prize. It was known in Dutch as 'AKO Literatuurprijs'.

America Awards: Annual American lifetime achievement award for international writers, that describes itself as an alternative to the Nobel Prize of Literature.

Anna Bijns Prize: Biennial Dutch prize alternating between prose and poetry. The judges decide choose the best poetry collection or prose novelof the past four years written in Dutch. 

Anton Wachter Prize: biennial award for the best Dutch-language debut novel of the past two years. The prize is named after the main character in Simon Vestdijk's eight-volume Anton Wachter series. The winner of the Anton Wachter Prize receives a replica of Anton Wachter's statue and 2,000 euros.

Archeon Thea Beckman Prize: Annual prize for the best children's or YA historical novel.

Aristeion Prize: Annual European prize (1990-1999), given to authors for significant contributions to contemporary European literature.

Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord:  Annual Flemish (symbolic) prize to celebrate authors that actively promote freedom of thought.

Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award: the world's largest children's literature award, annually presented to an author, illustrator, oral storyteller or reading promoter by the Swedish government, in memory of Astrid Lindgren.

Atomium Prize Brussels: Annual prize for the best Belgian comic/graphic novel in which the city of Brussels plays a role.

Atomium Prize for Children: Annual prize for the best Belgian comic/graphic novel with an educational component.

AT&T Literature Prize:  Annual Flemish prize for the best Dutch-language book of the year, formerly known as the NRC Book Prize. It is known as 'AT&T boekenprijs voor beste Nederlandstalige boek van het jaar'.


Batchelder Award: The Mildred L. Batchelder Award is awarded to an American publisher for a children’s book considered to be the most outstanding of those books originating in a country other than the United States and in a language other than English and subsequently translated into English for publication in the United States during the preceding year.

Best Designed Book Award: Annual Flemish prize to celebrate books that show an excellent collaboration between content and design. There are eleven categories. Up until 2011 known as ‘Plantin Moretus Prize'. It is known as 'De Best Vormgegeven Boeken'.

Best Books of the Year Silver Medal: Annual American prize awarded by the Society of Illustrators. The prize is awarded as a gold and a silver medal.

Bilderbuch Preis: Annual German prize for the best children's book in translation. 

BNG New Literature Prize:  Annual Flemish and Dutch prize of the Culture Fund BNG awarded to authors under forty that have published at least two literary prose novels. It is known as 'BNG Bank Literatuurprijs'.

Bob den Uyl Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best literary or journalistic travel book written in Dutch. It is known as 'Bob den Uyl Prijs'.

Boekenbon Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best literary novel – categories fiction and nonfiction – written in Dutch. Formerly known as the AKO Literature Prize and from 2014 to 2018 as the ECI Literature Prize. The prize was renamed in 2018 as the BookSpot Literature Prize and since 2020 it is known as the Boekenbon Literature Prize. In Dutch it is known as the 'Boekenbon Literatuurprijs'.

Boekenleeuw: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best children’s book written in Dutch.

Boekenleeuw Readers’ Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best children’s book written in Dutch from the public.

Boekenwelp: Annual Flemish and Dutch special mentions for the best children's books written in Dutch or illustrated by a Flemish or Dutch illustrator.

Boekenpauw: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best-illustrated children’s book written in Dutch.

Boekenpauw Readers’ Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best-illustrated children’s book written in Dutch from the public.

Boekenpluim: Annual Flemish honourable mention for the best-written Flemish children’s book.

Bookspot Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best literary novel - categories fiction and nonfiction - written in Dutch. It was known as the AKO Literature Prize (until 2014) and as the ECI Literature Prize (2014-2018). In Dutch it was known as the 'Bookspot Literatuurprijs'.

Bronzen Adhemar: Biennial Flemish State Prize for Comics, given to a Flemish comics author for their body of work. It is named after the character Adhemar created by comic book author Marc Sleen. 

Bronzen Uil: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best fiction debut written in Dutch, awarded at the Flemish literary festival 'Het betere boek'.

Bronzen Uil Readers’ Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best fiction debut written in Dutch from the public, awarded at the Flemish literary festival 'Het betere boek'.


Children and Youth Jury Flanders: Annual Flemish prize awarded by young readers. The Flemish Children’s and Young People’s Jury is a panel of young readers from 4 to 16 years old. Panel members are given a list of books to assess, and they meet to discuss them in reading groups. The prize is known as 'Kinder- en Jeugdjury Vlaanderen (KJV).

Confituur Bookstores' Prize: Annual Flemish prize for the best book written in Dutch in the past year, as chosen by a number of independent Flemish bookstores and their customers.

Constantijn Huygens Prize: Annual Dutch prize awarded to an entire oeuvre of a Dutch or Flemish author by the Jan Campert Foundation. It was named after poet Constantijn Huygens. It is known as 'Constantijn Huygens-prijs'.

Cutting Edge Award: Annual Flemish prizes to promote what is worth discovering in Flanders’ culture and media. It works with different categories: the best TV show, movie, music album, comic book, and… novel of the year.


De Boon: a literary prize awarded each year in two categories: one for fiction and non-fiction and one for children’s and youth literature. The prize, funded by the Flemish government, aims to make literature in Flanders visible and accessible, give authors and illustrators the recognition they deserve, and seduce the audience into reading, borrowing and buying books.

De Gouden PoëziemedailleSince 2014, Poëziecentrum and CANON Cultuurcel have awarded the biennial Gouden Poëziemedaille to the best collection of children’s poetry in the low countries. A professional jury honours the best book of children’s poetry in the Dutch language with a gold medal, while a children’s jury awards four Poëziesterren, or poetry stars, to the best individual poems in each age category. The laureates don’t win money. The initiative is aimed at raising awareness of poetry for children and all assets are invested in campaigns to achieve this objective.

Debut Prize: Annual Flemish prize for the best literary debut of a Flemish author who released his debut in the previous year. It is awarded by and known as 'Debuutprijs'.

Debut Prize Het Liegend Konijn: Biennial Flemish prize awarded to the best debut poetry collection of the past two years. The prize is awarded by the magazine 'Het Liegend Konijn'.

Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis: Annual German Youth Literature State Prize for the best (international) children’s book translated into German.

De Kleine Cervantes: Annual Flemish youth literature prize awarded by Ghent, the winner gets chosen by a readers panel. Named after Miguel de Cervantes, writer of Don Quichote, the 'first' novel ever written.

Dilys Evans Founder’s Award: recognizes promising talent in illustrators who have published fewer than three titles. 

Dirk Martens Prize: Annual Flemish prize alternating each year between the genres poetry, prose and essays. It is awarded by the city of Aalst and known as 'Dirk Martensprijs'.


E. du Perron Prize: Annual Dutch prize to celebrate people or institutions that contributed actively to Dutch culture which lead to the advancement of a good relationship between the Netherlands and surrounding communities. It is known as 'E. du Perronprijs'.

ECI Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best literary novel - categories fiction and nonfiction - written in Dutch. It was formerly known as the AKO Literature Prize, until the name changed to ECI Literature Prize in 2014. In Dutch, it was known as 'ECI Literatuurprijs'. In 2018, the name was changed to Bookspot Literature Prize.

Eisner Awards: Annual American prizes for graphic novels. One of the main annual prizes and considered as 'The Oscars' of the American comic world. The award is named after Will Eisner as a tribute to his pioneering work.

El Gremio de libreros de Madrid: Annual Spanish prize for the best book of the year and the best illustrated album of the year. Also known as the 'Best (Picture) Book Award' in Spanish. 

Emile Bernheim Prize: Biennial Belgian prize awarded to Belgian writers of novels written in French or Dutch.

Euregio-Schüler-Literaturpreis: Annual prize for the best book of the multilingual region of Maas-Rein. Each year 6 books are nominated, two in Dutch, two in French, and two in German. Students from the region read each book, discuss it with their teachers and authors, and vote for their favourite.

European Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best European novel that was translated into Dutch.

European Union Prize for Literature: Annual European prize to put the spotlight on the creativity and diverse wealth of Europe’s contemporary literature in the field of fiction, to promote the circulation of literature within Europe and encourage greater interest in non-national literary works.


Fauve d’Or Angoulême: Annual French prize to award the best comic album published in French.

Fauve d'Angoulême - Prix Jeunesse: Annual French prize to award the best comic album for children published in French. The winner is chosen from one of the twelve 'Sélection Jeunesse'.

F. Bordewijk Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best narrative prose published in the previous year, awarded since 1956 by the Jan Campert foundation. Formerly known as the Vijverberg Prize. It is known as 'F. Bordewijk-prijs'.

Fintro Literature Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize to award literary talent and promote literature originally written in Dutch. Formerly known as the Gouden Uil until 2010. 

Flemish Culture Prize: Annual Flemish prize that is a quality label which shows the government’s appreciation for the cultural interest of the literary work. It was known as the 'Vlaamse Cultuurprijs'. Since 2016, the Flemish Culture Prizes are called the Ultimas.

Flemish Reader Prize: Flemish prize. It is known as 'Prijs van de Vlaamse Lezer'.

Flemish State Prize for Narrative Prose: Triennial Flemish prize awarded to authors who have published literary works that drew public attention because of their remarkable quality. It is known as the ‘Prijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor proza’. 

Flemish State Prize for Poetry: Triennial Flemish prize awarded to authors who have published literary works that drew public attention because of their remarkable quality. It is known as the ‘Prijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor poëzie'. 

Flemish State Prize for a Writer's Oeuvre: Triennial Flemish prize awarded to a Flemish author for his entire body of work. It was known as the 'Oeuvreprijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap'.

Flemish State Prize for Youth Literature: Triennial Flemish prize awarderd to a Flemish author or illustrator for the best youth novel written in Dutch that gained attention for its remarkable quality, written in the last three years. It is known as the 'Prijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor Jeugdliteratuur'.

Fnac Stripprijs: Annual comics prize awarded by booksellers of chain book store Fnac.

Frans Kellendonk Oeuvre Prize: Triennial Dutch prize awarded  to authors that write works in Dutch with remarkable literary qualities that show intellectual independency and a profound vision on societal issues.


Gerard Michiels Poetry Prize: Quinquennial Flemish poetry prize awarded by the Lavki committee. Originally only meant for poets from the province of Limburg, since 2005 open to all poets from Flanders. It is known as 'Poëzieprijs Gerard Michiels'.

Gerard Walschap Prize: Biennial Flemish and Dutch prize awarded to young writers who write valuable narrative prose. The prize is given to a novel written originally in Dutch published by a Flemish or Dutch publishing company. It is known as 'Gerard Walschapprijs'.

Golden Kite Awards: the only children’s literary award judged by a jury of peers. More than 1,000 books are entered each year. The Golden Kite Awards recognize excellence in children’s literature in seven categories: Young Reader and Middle Grade Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Nonfiction Text for Younger Readers, Nonfiction Text for Older Readers, Picture Book Text, Picture Book Illustration, and Illustration for Older Readers. The prize is awarded by the American  Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. 

Golden Pear Award: Annual Slovenian prize for the best translated book for children and young adults, awarded by the Slovenian IBBY section.

Gouden Uil: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize to award literary talent and promote literature originally written in Dutch. Since 2016 known as the Fintro Literature Prize.

Gouden Uil Readers' Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize to award literary talent and promote literature originally written in Dutch. The prize is awarded by the public, who can choose from the nominees decided by the professional jury. Since 2016 known as the Fintro Literature Prize.

Gouden Ezelsoor: Annual Dutch prize to encourage authors who wrote their debut in the previous years and have sold the most copies of their debut.

Gouden Griffel: Annual Dutch top prize awarded to a children's book (-12) from one of the Zilveren Griffel categories.

Gouden Lijst: Annual Dutch prize for the best children’s book (+12) written in Dutch.

Gouden Uil Youth Literature: Former annual Dutch prize for the best children’s book written in Dutch. This prize no longer exists since 2010.

Gouden Uil Young Readers’ Prize: Former annual Dutch prize. Young readers selected one book from the five nominees for the Gouden Uil Youth Literature Prize to win the Gouden Uil Young Readers’ Prize. This prize no longer exists since 2010.

Gouden Zoen: Former annual Dutch literary prize for the best youth novel for readers between twelve and sixteen years old. This prize no longer exists since 2009.

Gulden Palet: Annual Dutch prize for the best foreign illustrator of a children's novel. 

Grand Prize for Literature: Triennial Flemish and Dutch prize to distinguish authors of important – originally written in the Dutch language – literary works. It is known as the 'Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren'.

Grand Prix in Angoulême: Annual French prize awarded at the graphic novel festival in Angoulême. The Grand Prix is intended to recognise an author for his overall output and his contribution to the development of the comic strip.

Guido Gezelle Prize: Quinquennial Flemish and Dutch prize awarded to a poetry collection written in Dutch. The prize is founded by the Guido Gezelle Committee and was awarded from 1941 until 2002 by the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (known as the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde or KANTL). 


Halewijn Prize: Annual Dutch prize to award literary talent that because of the quality and “irresistibility” of their work(s) deserve extra attention, awarded by the Dutch city of Roermond. It is named after the Middle Dutch song 'Het Lied van Heer Halewijn', in which irresistibility is the main theme. It is known as 'Halewijnprijs, literatuurprijs van de stad Roermond'.

Hebban Debut Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize to encourage new talented Dutch-language writers in the category ‘Literature & Novels’. The shortlist is compiled at a short election during the Hebban Week of the Debutant.

Herman de Coninck Prize: Annual Flemish prize awarded by for the best poetry collection published in the past year.

Henriëtte de Beaufort Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize awarded to a biography written in Dutch, alternating between a Dutch and a Flemish author.

Henriette Roland Holst Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch literary prize awarded by the Society of Dutch-language Literature, known as the ‘Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde’ to celebrate works that 'excel because of their social compassion and literary level'.

Hugues C. Pernath Prize: Biennial Flemish and Dutch prize for poetry, awarded by the Hugues C. Pernath foundation. The prize is awarded to authors up to the age of 43, the age at which Hugues C. Pernath died.

Humo's Gouden Bladwijzer: Annual Flemish prize awarded to the best book of the year by Humo, a Flemish magazine.

Humo's Pop Poll: Annual Flemish prize awarded to several categories that award 'the best in Flanders'. Books is one of its categories. The prize is awarded by the readers of Humo, a Flemish magazine.


Ignatz Award for Outstanding Anthology or Collection: Annual French prize that awards an outstanding anthology or collection of comic books or graphic novels. The Ignatz Awards are intended to recognize outstanding achievements in comics and cartooning by small press creators or creator-owned projects published by larger publishers.

Independent Foreign Fiction Prize: Annual British prize to honour contemporary fiction in translation in the United Kingdom. This prize no longer exists since 2015.

Inktaap: Annual international literary youth prize of the Dutch language area, where students from The Netherlands, Flanders, Suriname, Curaçao, and Aruba choose the best novel between the winners of the ECI Literature Prize, the Fintro Literature Prize, the Libris Literature Prize, and a nomination by the Dutch language part of the Caribbean.

Interprovincial Prize for Literature: Annual Flemish prize for the best Flemish book, awarded by the five Flemish provinces. Up until 2011 the prize alternated each year between fiction, nonfiction and children's literature. From 2011 onwards the prize evaluates all genres together.

Inclusieve Griffel: Annual Dutch prize to award a book or different kind of publication in which a mentally handicapped person plays an inclusive role in the narration.


Jan Campert Prize: Annual Dutch prize awarded by the Jan Campert foundation for poetry written in Dutch published in the previous year.

Jan Hanlo Essay Prize: Biennial Dutch prize for essays. The most important prize of The Netherlands to award essays.

Jan Greshoff Prize: Biennial Dutch prize for essays awarded by the Jan Campert foundation. A prize to award essays or special earnings for Dutch language literature.

Jenny Smelik-IBBY Prize: Biennial Dutch prize for children’s authors or illustrators for the best books written in Dutch aimed at or presenting a picture of children from ethnic minorities. Formerly known as the Jenny Smelik-Kiggen Prize.


KAAS & KAPPES-prijs: Annual Dutch/German theatre award for children’s and youth theatre, awarded at the KAAS & KAPPES youth theatre festival in Germany.

Karel van de Woestijne Prize: Triennial Flemish prize for poetry, awarded by the city of Sint-Martens-Latem.

Kinderbuchpreis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen: Annual German prize for children's books that are suitable for early readers and that are great to use in a classroom.

Knokke-Heist Prize for the Best Youth Novel: Biennial Flemish prize for an unpublished manuscript of a YA book for readers of 12 and up in Flanders and the Netherlands. The judging takes place anonymously. Known as the 'Zoute Zoen' since 2010. It is known as 'Prijs Knokke-Heist Beste Jeugdboek'.

Kruyskamp Prize: Triennial Flemish and Dutch prize awarded to a work regarding lexicography, Dutch lexicology or an annotated edition of a Middle Dutch text.


Lang Zullen We Lezen Prize: a readers' prize organised by the Belgian national television and

LA Times Book Prize: Annual international prizes to honor the best books and their authors of the previous year. Since 1980 the LA Times awards a set of nine book prizes.

Lavki Prize: Quinquennial Flemish prize for the best Flemish children’s book.

Literaturpreis der Jury der jungen Leser for Jugendbuch: Annual German youth literature prize. The winner is chosen by a panel of young readers.

Libris History Prize: Annual Dutch prize, The Libris History Prize awards historical novels that speak to the general public.

Libris Literature Prize: Annual Dutch prize for the best literary novel written in Dutch published in the previous year.

Literary Prize Prince Alexander of Belgium: Biennial prize awarded by Princess Léa of Belgium, in memory of her husband Prince Alexander. It focuses on a different (sub)genre of literature each time it is awarded.

Literature Prize of the Province Antwerp: Annual prize awarded by the province Antwerp, each year for a different genre. It is known as the 'Literatuurprijs van de provincie Antwerpen'.

Literature Prize of the Province East-Flanders: Annual prize awarded by the province East-Flanders, each year for a different genre. It is known as the 'Literatuurprijs van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen'.

Literature Prize of the Province Limburg: Annual prize awarded by the province Limburg, each year for a different genre. It is known as the 'Literatuurprijs van de provincie Limburg'.

Literature Prize of the Province West-Flanders: Annual prize awarded by the province West-Flanders, each year for a different genre. It is known as the 'Literatuurprijs van de provincie West-Vlaanderen'.

Luchs des Jahres Preis: Annual German prize for children’s and youth novels awarded by Radio Bremen and Die Zeit. Chosen from the twelve 'Luchs des Monats Preis'.

Luchs des Monats Preis: Monthly German prize for children’s and youth novels awarded by Radio Bremen and Die Zeit.

Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogt Prize: Annual Dutch prize to encourage recently published literary works written in Dutch.

Luisterboek Award: Annual Dutch prize awarded to the best reader of an audiobook. 


Max und Moritz Prize: Biennial German prize for comic books, comic strips, and other similar materials which has been awarded at each of the biennial International Comics Shows of Erlangen since 1984. It is open to all material published in Germany.


Nicolas-Bouvier Prize: Annual international prize which honours the best journalistic and photographic contributions.

Nienke van Hichtum Prize: Biennial prize for the best children’s book written in Dutch, awarded by the Jan Campert foundation.

Nieuwe-Yang Prize: Annual Flemish literary prize awarded by the literary periodical Yang. In 2009 the periodical fused with Freespace Nieuwzuid.  It awards a debut or underestimated author.

Nordrhein-Westfalen Literaturpreis: Annual German literary prize.

NRC Book Prize: Annual Belgian prize for the best Dutch-language book of the year. Now known as the AT&T Book Prize. It was known as the 'NRC boekenprijs voor beste Nederlandstalige boek van het jaar'.


Opzij Literature Prize: Annual Dutch prize that awards female authors who contributed to the emancipation, evolvement, and the awareness of women.


Paul Snoek Prize: Triennial prize awarded by the city government of Sint Niklaas, birthplace of Paul Snoek. The prize awards a Dutch language collection of poetry.

PEN Translation Award: Annual American prize to award fiction and nonfiction works translated into English from any language.

Picturale (Prestige) Prize / Prize Picturale Ronse: Biennial Flemish prize awarded to the best Flemish illustrator.

Plantin-Moretus Prize: Annual Flemish literary prize to celebrate books that show an excellent collaboration between content and design. There are eleven categories. Since 2011 known as Best Designed Book Award.

Poëziedebuutprijs Aan ZeePoëziecentrum, deAuteurs and Theater Aan Zee collectively award the Poëziedebuutprijs Aan Zee to the year’s best first poetry collection in the Dutch language. A jury reviews the submissions and draws up a shortlist, which is then made public. The authors on this shortlist are invited to participate in the Apéro Poëzie programme at Theater aan Zee 2020.

Première Bulle Angers: French comics prize awarded by the festival Angers BD for the best debut of the year.

Premio Alpi Apuane (Premio Ubaldo Bellugi): Italian prize for the best children’s book published between 2007 and 2011.

Premio Banda Dibujada: Argentinian prize awarded by the non-profit organization 'Banda dibujada', which is dedicated to promoting comics among children and young people.

Premio Nonino: Annual Italian prizes for the best books of the year. Awarded in different categories, such as the international Nonino.

Premio Strega Europeo: Annual Italian prize awarded for a European book. 

Premis Junceda: The Catalan Junceda Awards were established in 2003 and award all aspects of illustration. The Associació Professional d’il·lustradors de Catalunya believes it is important to recognize the work of professionals related to the world of illustration. The aim of the prize, the only of its kind in Catalonia and even in Spain, is to award and make known illustration in all its disciplines. 

Prix de l’Audace in Angoulême: Annual French prize that rewards ‘the experimental quality and the spunk of a certain graphic novel’ at the Comics Festival Angoulême.

Prix de la Ville de Sérignan: Annual French prize for the best graphic novel debut awarded during the Sérignan Comics Festival.

Prix des Lecteurs Cognac: Annual European prize awarded at the European Literature Festival in Cognac. Each year another country or language area is celebrated, and readers award one book of this country with this prize.

Prix du Carnet de Voyage International: Annual French prize for the best international graphic novel awarded at the IFAV Clermont-Ferrand Festival. It is known in English as the International Travel Sketchbook Prize.

Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger Essai: Annual French literary prize created in 1948. It is awarded yearly in two categories: Novel and Essay for books translated into French. It is also known as Best Foreign Book Prize.

Prix du Patrimoine in Angoulême: Annual French prize awarded to the best comics authors at the Angoulême festival. It is known in English as the 'Heritage Award'.

Prix Jean Monnet des Jeunes Européens: annual French prize awarded during the Littératures Européennes Cognac (LEC) festival to a European author for a book written in or translated into French. The jury is made up of secondary school students who pick their favourite from a selection of three titles. These books are all from the same European country or region – the LEC festival’s country or region of honour.

Prix Libbylit: Annual Walloon literary prize for a children's book awarded by the French-speaking Belgian part of IBBY. The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organization which represents an international network of people from all over the world who are committed to bringing books and children together.

Prix PULP: French prize, for the first time awarded in 2017 at the PULP Festival in La Ferme du Buisson, for the best comic book debut of  the year.

Prix René Goscinny du Jeune Scénariste: French prize, awarded yearly at the International Comics Festival Angoulême, for the best scenario by a starting scriptwriter (no more than three publications). 

Prix Saint Exupéry – valeurs jeunesse: Annual French prize since 1987 that awards literary youth works that promote the values and life vision of Saint Exupéry:  boldness, the courage to mount obstacles and the will to survive; solidarity and fraternity; wisdom; overmounting dimensions that are too materialistic.

Prix Sorcières: Annual French prize for the best children’s book (incl. translations), with various categories.   

Prix Soroptimist International: This prize is awarded annually by the Club Soroptimist of Cognac at the Littératures Européennes festival. From among the books selected by the festival the club chooses a winner that reflects the values it wants to promote.

Prix Transfuge du meilleur poche étranger: Annual French prize awarded by cultural magazine Transfuge for the best pocket in French or foreign literature.

Prix Wolinski de la BD du Point: Annual French prize for comics, awarded by Le Point magazine.


Quinquennial Prize for fiction of the Royal Academy of the Dutch Language and Literature: Annual Flemish and Dutch literary prize, each year alternating between the genres fiction, theatre, essay and poetry. It is known as 'Vijfjaarlijkse Prijs voor fictie van de Koninklijke Academie van de Nederlandse Taal en Literatuur'.


Sélection Officielle in Angoulême: Annual French selection of the best comic books. The books are selected at the comic book festival in Angoulême.

Sheriff d'Or: Annual French prize awarded to the best author of comic books selected by a jury of passionate readers.

Silvester Debut Award: Biennial Dutch prize for a debut comic book. It is known as 'Silvester Debuutprijs'.

Socrates Beker Prize: Annual Dutch prize to celebrate the author of the most urgent, original and stimulating philosophical work published in the previous year, written in Dutch.

Spiritual Book Award: The annual prize for the spiritual book is awarded to an author of a book that contributes to the search for meaning, reflection and inspiration in contemporary society in an easily accessible way.

Spiegelprijs: Biennial Flemish and Dutch prize awarded to authors or organisations that try to present a realistic image of Africa.

Stripschapsprijs: Annual Dutch prize for the best comic works.  

Stripschapspenning for best literary graphic novel: Annual Dutch prize awarded to the best comic books of the year. The prize is divided into different categories, such as the best international or best literary graphic novel.

Sybren Poletprijs: an oeuvre prize for authors of experimental literary work, be it prose, poetry or theatre, in the spirit of poet and novelist Sybren Polet (1924-2015). The prize was founded in 2018 and is worth 35,000 euro.


Thea Beckman Prize: Annual prize for the best historical youth novel.

Theo Thijssen Prize: Triennial prize for the oeuvre of an author of children’s and youth literature.

Toneelschrijfprijsknown as the Taalunie Toneelschrijfprijs until 2018, this prize is awarded annually to an originally Dutch-language text that premiered during the previous theatre season. The award ceremony takes place alternately in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Tzum Prize for the most beautiful sentence in Narrative Prose: Annual prize for the most beautiful sentence in narrative prose. It is known as 'Tzum prijs voor de mooiste zin in narratief proza'.


Ultima for Literature: Annual Flemish prize that is a quality label which shows the government’s appreciation for the cultural interest of the literary work. Until 2016, it was known as the Flemish Culture Prize.

USBBY Outstanding International Book: Annual American prize awarded by the United States Board on Books for Young People. The USBBY Outstanding International Books List is published each year in the February issue of School Library Journal and as a bookmark.


VPRO Debut Award: Annual Dutch award for a comic book debut written in Dutch, awarded by VPRO Gids at the Comic Book festival in Haarlem.

Vlaamse Gids Prize: Annual Flemish prize awarded by the bimonthly journal Vlaamse Gids, published between 1905 and 2000.

Vlag en Wimpel: Annual Dutch honourable mention for some of the best children’s books written in Dutch, which did not quite win a Zilveren Griffel, but still deserve special attention.

VSB Poetry Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch poetry prize awarded to the best collection of poems of the previous year, written in Dutch.


White Raven: Annual international prize, The White Raven label is given to books that deserve worldwide attention because of their universal themes and/or their exceptional and often innovative artistic and literary style and design. Each year the language specialists (Lektoren) at the International Youth Library (IYL), in Munich, Germany, select newly published books from around the world that they consider to be especially noteworthy.

White Raven Special Mention: Annual International prize, books to which the IYL's Lektoren wish to draw particular attention.

Willy Vandersteen Prize: Flemish and Dutch prize that awards the best original Dutch-language graphic novel of the year. The prize is instituted by Sabam and Stripgids.

Woman and Culture Debut Prize: Biennial Flemish and Dutch prize that celebrates female authors who published their debut novel – fiction for adults – in the previous year.

Woutertje Pieterse Prize: Annual Flemish and Dutch prize for the best children’s book written in Dutch, the most valuable award, with prize money of EUR 15,000.


Yoto Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals: the UK’s longest running and best-loved children’s book awards, recognising outstanding reading experiences created through writing and illustration in books for children and young people. The Yoto Carnegie Medal is awarded by children’s librarians for an outstanding book written in English for children and young people. The Yoto Kate Greenaway Medal is awarded by children’s librarians for an outstanding book in terms of illustration for children and young people.

Young Beckman Prize: Annual prize for the best children's or YA historical novel, chosen by a jury of young readers. Connected to the Archeon Thea Beckman Prize.



Zilveren Griffel: Annual Dutch prizes for the best children’s books for readers up to the age of twelve. Two books per category (0+, 6+, 9+, nonfiction, poetry) can be awarded with a Zilveren Griffel.

Zilveren Palet: Annual Dutch prize for the best book by a non-Dutch illustrator.

Zilveren Penseel: Annual Dutch prize for the two best-illustrated youth children’s books of the previous year.

Zilveren Zoen: Annual Dutch literary prize for the two best youth novels (+12).

Zoute Zoen: Biennial Flemish prize for an unpublished manuscript of a YA book for readers of 12 and up in Flanders and the Netherlands. The judging takes place anonymously. Formerly known as Knokke-Heist Prize for the Best Youth Novel.


3x3 Picture Book Show: Annual American prizes awarded to the best picture books by 3x3 magazine at an annual Picture Book Show. Divided into Best of Show, Gold medals, Silver medals, Bronze medals, Distinguished merit, Merit and Honorable mentions.