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Candid, awkward and very recognisable



Cordelia is a self-reflective, yearning, image-conscious woman with a robust temperament and a big heart. She makes you laugh with her frankness and awkwardness, and her musings about life are oh so recognisable. Cordelia is a little similar to her author, Ilah, but then again, she isn’t. She is that part of Ilah that she has in common with all women. Women who want to be understood, who want to be sex objects and be praised for their acute intelligence, and meanwhile continually doubt all of that as well.

This comic book’s recognisability has a comforting effect that radiates a warm feeling of gratitude.

Ilah portrays relationships between men and women in a way that says more than an exhaustive analysis. She doesn’t need much more than a simple thought or remark to display a great variety of feelings, from frustration and irritation to sincere astonishment. 

Her short comics are both candid and subtle, true-to-life and dramatically adapted, apparently nonchalant and virtuoso, modest and self-assured. Ilah’s slick austerity is the perfect graphic style for her favourite subjects, such as love, sex, steak and fries and glasses of wine.

Ilah’s feel for timing and particularly her attention to the precise use of words is exceptional.
Focus Knack
Covers of different Cordelia titles
Covers of different Cordelia titles