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The family you love to hate

The Borgia Trilogy

Benjamin Van Tourhout

From their rapid ascent to the top of the Vatican to their downfall: no barbarity or form of nepotism is too cruel for the Borgias. The family, seemingly full of joy and humour, inhabits a world filled with parties and so-called fun. Slowly this degrades into a dangerous routine where fun and booze are needed to hide the distrust, fear and terror amongst them. But soon, despite wishing to hold it all together, everything begins to fall apart.

A fast-paced ping-pong match. Rhythm and intensity are paramount, and with such an outstanding group of actors the result is a dazzling and dynamic show.
De Standaard

The Borgias’ way of life is not exclusive to the Italian Renaissance. The similarities with today’s world are evident: the childish impatience, the lack of responsibility and the “don’t care, don’t ask” attitude. Still, it was not so much the murder and intrigue that captivated Van Tourhout and prompted the many years of research for this fascinating theatre trilogy, but the family’s will to control the world despite all the sacrifices. In a strange way the characters become heroic, but on the other hand we must also judge their actions. This paradox gives meaning to the whole trilogy: we love the monster just as we hate it.

The beautiful text by Van Tourhout, based on meticulous research and staged with daring artistic vision, is a true asset to Flemish theatre.
As horny as the pope – a new classic tragedy has been written.
De Morgen