The Midas Murders
The corpse of a murdered German businessman is found alongside a photo of Michelangelo’s Madonna of Bruges. Not long after, the tourist town of Bruges is shaken by the bombing of its Guido Gezelle statue. Inspector Van In – assisted by Sergeant Versavel and the stunning Deputy Public Prosecutor Hannelore Martens – discovers that these two crimes are linked. The evidence points to the imminent merger between two tour operators. But there is also a connection with the past, with the so-called Nibelungenschat: the artworks pilfered and taken to Germany by the Nazis during World War II.
A very enjoyable and thrilling crime novel that culminates in a plausible climaxBrabants Dagblad
‘The Midas Murders’ is the second in the popular crime series around the eccentric Inspector Pieter Van In. The title refers to King Midas, the Greek mythological figure who had the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. It proved to be a curse rather than a blessing. By showing us the miserable fate of a bunch of money-grubbing figures, Aspe demonstrates that in both ancient Greece and present-day Belgium profiteering can lead to tragedy. The convincing characters and the charming couleur locale of Bruges make this a compelling whodunit.
A particularly complex plot that intrigues, surprises and fascinates until the very last pageDe Morgen