Laurent Bayer
Laurent Bayer (b. 1969) lives in Brussels. He holds a degree in political sciences and international relations from the Catholic University of Louvain and he has also studied at the Panteion University in Athens.
He works as a French-speaking editor-in-chief in parliament. Furthermore, he has been working as a translator since 1999, for both French and Belgian publishers (non-fiction books and features).
His literary translations include:
- SGF, Papa Zoglu and Bouvaert by Simon Spruyt
- Outburst by Pieter Coudyzer
- ‘Art Schooled’ by Jamie Coe
- Wolves by Ward Zwart and Enzo Smits
- Yasmina and the Potato Eaters by Wauter Mannaert
- Where is the Dragon? by Leo Timmers
- 'The Kennedy Files' by Erik Varekamp and Mick Peet
- Daubigny's Garden by Luc Cromheecke and Bruno De Roover
- 'Wool' by Aart Taminiau
- A Book To Make Friends With by Lukas Verstraete
- 'Not Like That, Like This!' (Niet zo, maar zo!) by Joost Swarte