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Grand Prize for Literature

These fine poets all have received the Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren (Grand Prize for Literature). This is the most important prize to distinguish authors of that have written a literary oeuvre in Dutch. It is a prize for an outstanding literary career of constant high quality.

  • Cover Complete Poems
    Cover Complete Poems
    Complete poems
    The Flemish Rainer Maria Rilke

    Gilliams’ sixty-eight poems and his entire body of work are part of the painful and obsessive effort to uncover and preserve his true self. The ultimate goal of his endeavors was to create a “lyrical autobiography”, a still portrait in the sea of life.

  • Cover The East Acre Poems
    Cover The East Acre Poems
    The East Acre Poems
    Distinctly innovating poetry resulting in a whirling reading experience
    Literaire Canon

    Using old myths of fertility described by Frazer, biblical and Christian references and literary quotations, Claus evokes a mythical and fatal family constellation in which the mother, the father, the son and the beloved play roles that are alternately driven by desire and love, but also by fear and hatred. Definitely one of the highpoints in his oeuvre.

  • Cover Miroirs
    Cover Miroirs
    Miroirs. Poems since 1946
    Everything proves that the work of Christine D’haen is unique in Dutch-language literature
    Jury Report Anna Bijns Prize

    It is certain that the oeuvre of Christine D’haen will be read by different generations for many years ahead. This dense and highbrow poetry asks much from its readers, but in return they enjoy broad vistas that invite reflections on life and culture.

  • Cover Manners of Living
    Cover Manners of Living
    Manners of Living
    A poet on a lonely highth
    NRC Handelsblad

    Leonard Nolens is a monumental figure in Flemish poetry. His poetry forms one of the most all-encompassing and uncompromising oeuvres in Dutch-language literature. With brilliance, Nolens addresses a number of classic themes in ever-varying modulations, as if haunted by them. Nolens’ poetry is distinguished by the polyphonic ways of thinking and imaginary ways of acting that are contained within it.