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  • Cover Chameleon
    Cover Chameleon
    A surprisingly strong debut

    Charlotte Van den Broeck won her poetical spurs in a similar way to Maud Vanhauwaert, namely onstage. The accompanying familiarity of her name provided her debut ‘Chameleon’ with the necessary impetus. ‘Chameleon’ would appear to be the perfect title for a debut volume of poetry.

  • Cover Sculptures
    Cover Sculptures
    Sculptures. A choise from the works
    He crosses out a space for himself
    Herman de Coninck

    Gradually the light nonchalant tone in Jooris’s poetry disappears and it becomes more severe. The world moves increasingly out of the frame; more and more frequently the poems are about poetry itself. In his poetic work too Jooris has often turned to the world of the arts for inspiration. 'Sculptures' is the perfect introduction to his comparatively modest oeuvre.

  • Cover Manners of Living
    Cover Manners of Living
    Manners of Living
    A poet on a lonely highth
    NRC Handelsblad

    Leonard Nolens is a monumental figure in Flemish poetry. His poetry forms one of the most all-encompassing and uncompromising oeuvres in Dutch-language literature. With brilliance, Nolens addresses a number of classic themes in ever-varying modulations, as if haunted by them. Nolens’ poetry is distinguished by the polyphonic ways of thinking and imaginary ways of acting that are contained within it.

  • Cover As If I Am Nearly There
    Cover As If I Am Nearly There
    As If I Am Nearly There
    Act like Elvis and shoot a bullet through your telly: it is here you have to look

    Charles Ducal’s poetry contains much irony and casual humour, yet doesn’t shrink from such grand themes as language, religion and sexuality. His poetry is allegedly blasphemous, but ‘shocking’ would be a better epithet.

  • Cover Vigilant
    Cover Vigilant
    In the dead calm literature in Flanders, the most remarkable debutant in years

    With the skill of a pathologist, in 'Waakzaam' (Vigilant, 2011), he dissects the ugliness of hedonism and the aberration of egotism using drawn-out tirades in which the metre jerks and judders, and in which he makes a conscious choice to use ugly, often composite words full of hard consonants, like something posted by a spammer on an Internet forum.

  • Cover the blood spot
    Cover the blood spot
    The Blood Spot
    About this poetry, we will not run out of themes to talk about
    De Volkskrant

    Paul Demets' poetry is very much aware that language constitutes both the individual and the society in which a human being lives. His poetry questions the social and ethical dimensions, and resulting dilemmas, of modern society and time. In a world without fixed points to hold onto, the search for the self and the longing for interaction with the other ground Demets’ poems.

  • Cover wardrobe
    Cover wardrobe
    Wardrobe. A choice from all his poems
    In his texts Gruwez is looking for the boundaries of what is considered as decent or fitting

    Gruwez' work does not shy away from heavy emotions. His poetry is a plea for sensuality, daring to be different, for emotional courage, for lyricism. In ‘Wardrobe’ he made a selection out of forty years of poetry writing. It is a strong and severe choice that presents a perfect introduction to the poetical work of Luuk Gruwez.

  • Cover Songs
    Cover Songs
    Inspired poems that stand the ravages of time
    De Standaard

    Hadewijch's Songs are the beating heart of Dutch-language  literature. This mystic was the first woman in Europe to have dared to sing of mystical love in pure love poetry. Hadewijch created with astounding mastery and linguistic skill a mysticism of desire.

  • Cover Complete Poems
    Cover Complete Poems
    Complete Poems
    Precocious and languorous poems

    Karel van de Woestijne is perhaps the most important post-symbolist poet to have written in the Dutch language. Van de Woestijne’s collected work consists of almost one thousand pages of poetry and an equal amount of prose, a significant portion being dedicated to epic poetry and essays on the visual arts and literature.

  • Cover Blue-sick
    Cover Blue-sick
    A passionately cool observer

    Observation is second nature to Bernard Dewulf, not only as a means to gather inspiration, but also as a linguistic method to catch a glimpse of the essence of things. In a stylised language he transforms his images and impressions into highly sensitive poems.

  • Cover help
    Cover help
    This is great theatre on the square centimeter. The leading role? The classical duo: you and me.
    Leonard Nolens

    The poems in ‘Help’ show the influence of the theatre: the two characters presented are utterly at the mercy of their urges, fears and desires. ‘Help’ is representative of Meuleman’s themes and obsessions; he is a cold observer of what might better be concealed behind closed doors. The author portrays characters who cast off their façades and make their way through a dark universe of loveless dependency, power, perversion and rampant sexual compulsions.

  • Cover Miroirs
    Cover Miroirs
    Miroirs. Poems since 1946
    Everything proves that the work of Christine D’haen is unique in Dutch-language literature
    Jury Report Anna Bijns Prize

    It is certain that the oeuvre of Christine D’haen will be read by different generations for many years ahead. This dense and highbrow poetry asks much from its readers, but in return they enjoy broad vistas that invite reflections on life and culture.

  • Cover Complete Poems
    Cover Complete Poems
    Complete poems
    The Flemish Rainer Maria Rilke

    Gilliams’ sixty-eight poems and his entire body of work are part of the painful and obsessive effort to uncover and preserve his true self. The ultimate goal of his endeavors was to create a “lyrical autobiography”, a still portrait in the sea of life.

  • Cover The Poems
    Cover The Poems
    The poems
    His poems seem so easy and so obvious, but their core is the sense of being alone in a silent world
    Hugo Brems

    A constant in Herman de Coninck's poems is the urge to bring poetry closer to everyday reality without adopting the pose of a distant observer. In his poems, he often takes a familiar situation as the point of departure, things like an autumn walk or a birthday party. He is a poet of understatement, who counters sentimentality with ironic humour.

  • Cover Complete Poems
    Cover Complete Poems
    Complete Poems
    A pantheistic polyglot and conservative Catholic

    At the end of his life and in the first two decades of the 20th century, Gezelle was hailed by the avant-garde as the founder of modern Flemish poetry, and his unique voice was also belatedly recognised in the Netherlands and often compared with his English contemporary Gerard Manley Hopkins.